Sunday, December 2, 2007

Week Log 11/26-12/2

Mon-7 miles (1:00)
Tue- 9 miles (1:13)
Wed-10 miles (1:24)
Thu-15 miles (2:05)
Fri-17 miles (2:23) Beacon Hill to M Trail
Sat-22 miles (3:00) Bozeman Creek Canyon
Sun-6 miles (:50)
Total: 86 miles (11:55)

Obviously, this was a great week. I became a real runner again and even though the first half of the week was spent feeling awkward and worrying about my ankle, the second half I started feeling really good on all of my runs. Now, it's just a matter of listening to my foot and becoming 100% healthy so that I can be ready to do some real running once I move back to the balmy climes and clear trails of Colorado Springs in 10 days.


  1. sorry to hear you didn't get in to WST 100.
    I just stumbled onto your blog. I have seen you at a few races and I think you are an amazing runner. I'm good friends with Shannon(MoeBen).
    I will be at RR 100 again in Febuary so see you there.

  2. 86 miles on your first real week back. you're crazy!!! that was about the same mileage as my past week but i've spent 2 months working up to that.
