Monday, December 17, 2007

Week Log 12/10-12/16

Mon-AM: 15 miles (2:00)
PM: 4 miles (:30)

Tue-AM: 7 miles (1:00)

Wed-AM: 15 miles (2:03) Garden of the Gods
PM: 7 miles (1:00) CRC run

Thu-PM1: 23 miles (3:02) Mt. Buckhorn
PM2: 4 miles (:34) CRC Holiday Party

Fri-AM: 10 miles (1:35) Red Rocks Canyon

Sat-AM: 30 miles (4:20) Garden-Intemann-Sect. 16-High Dr-Gold Camp-Stratton

Sun-AM: 20 miles (3:06) LRR-Bob's-Barr Camp
PM: 7 miles (1:01) Monument

Total: 142 miles (20:11)

Obviously, a great week. First real week of running in a long time; if things can continue to go this well, Rocky will be fun. Also, I am now 100% completely injury-free!


  1. Great to hear that you are 100% injury free ! This should make for a great Rocky performance. I will be there for the 50. Best of luck.

  2. I just got my Leadville postcard in the mail. Nice little photo of you as well as Floyd and Dave! Did you see that they're going to have a 50 miler this year?
