Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Ocean In The Sky

I was up and out the door at 5:30 this morning so that I could complete a tour of the local peaks before class.  A dense layer of grey clouds formed a dreary, low blanket over Boulder, but based on yesterday morning's run, I knew that once atop the mountains I'd be treated to expansive, airplane-like views above the cloud ceiling.  This ended up being exactly the case, so I was thankful that I'd thought to bring Jocelyn's camera along to capture a pictorial record of the morning's stunning, yet ephemeral, beauty.

(Looking west toward the Indian Peaks Wilderness, from my 127th summit of Green Mt. this year.)

(The sun rising over the ocean of clouds, from Green Mt.)

(Looking back at Green, from Bear Peak summit.)

(Looking east, from Bear.)

(Next up: South Boulder Peak. Can you find the trail?)

(More of the same, from the top of SoBo.)

(And to the west, clouds already retreating.)

(And back through the fog to Chautauqua via the Mesa Trail, to complete the loop.)

(The green grass is starting to make it look like Spring!)

Three hours, three summits, 20 miles, and 5000' of climbing all before 9AM.  How's the rest of the day supposed to compete with that?


  1. Are you declaring the end of microspike season? I have been away.

  2. great views, it seems like whenever you accomplish a run like that bright and early that the rest of the day never comes close in comparison

  3. B-
    Spikes are done. Gregory-Ranger has just one short stretch right before the 4-way. Amp-Saddle-Greenman is still icy above the talus switchbacks, but not worth spikes. Fern above the saddle has some ice, but again, spikes would be a pain. Same thing on SoBo above the saddle. Bring on summer!


  4. I love your photos (and writeups, of course). Some of us live in kinda boring flatlands. I appreciate being able to see where others call home.

  5. Swim to the moon!
    I might catch a ride down to Miwok next weekend, if not, have fun chasing Mackey's ghost.

  6. dang all of that before 9 am! Most people are barely waking up by that time. Best of luck at Miwok next week. I might pace my little brother, so hope to see you on the front at the pan toll aid station.

  7. Oh yah! What awesome views. Sometimes I want to live near the BIG mountains. Here in VT they are pretty but nothing like the west.

  8. Love the pics...class must have been so mundane after that.

  9. I don't think that was a rhetorical question. The answer is "it can't".

  10. Without dreary city clouds, the beauty of the airplane views cannot be understood. Without microspikes and ice, the Summer cannot be enjoyed. Without injury and failure, success and wellness cannot be appreciated. Without dark, there is no light. Without cushioned shoes, bare feet are not noticed. Peace and equanimity are only realized through the awareness of the tension in these opposite energies. Miwok is waiting, but are you ready in your mind to balance all opposite forces? - The Philosopher

  11. heavy, man.
    My guess, is, Yes, he's probably fairly ready.

  12. I always enjoy your writing and admire you accomplishments. Thanks for sharing.

  13. The second photo is spectacular. Thanks for sharing.

  14. Inspiring.
    Keep it up, brother.

  15. You run in some of the best trail's! It suck's to live in a flat place like Ohio, but we have to make the best of our run's ether way.

  16. Anton,
    Do you like to run on an empty stomach?
    Do you find high protein levels too taxing on your system?
    Have you ever run while not eating many carbs?
    Anything, or nothing you'd like to share would be appreciated.

  17. Not sure anything during the day can compete with a great early morning run.. for me it is a light rain.. and cool wind.. great pics..

  18. Barry,
    I do prefer to run (but not race) on an empty stomach. I don't pay much attention really to what I eat, but there are always lots of carbs and rarely much in the way of animal protein, but none of that is really very conscious on my part. Basically, I find food in general to be pretty taxing on my system, so that's why I train on an empty stomach and stick to simple sugars (GUs) during races.


  19. being both an ultra-runner and music fanatic...i must ask...

    tony, have you heard the new LCD Soundsystem? right up your alley based on the music vids you post. perhaps you already have it and love it. perhaps not.

  20. hi anton i'm thomas from france, congratulation for miwok race.
