Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Week Log: March 17-23

Mon-AM: 15 miles (2:04) South Santa Fe Trail out and back w/ Kyle
Feeling pretty wiped from the weekend, so I had to take it slow.

Tue-AM: 23 miles (3:06) High Drive-GoldCamp-Stratton
Ran early before work---nice to see the sun rise. The climb was still super snowy and slick.
PM: 5 miles (:41) Downtown+barefoot
Ran down to the bank and back in the FiveFingers...feeling tired.

Wed-AM: 20 miles (2:31)~3mi-2mi-1mi in 16:18 (5:17, 5:34, 5:27), 10:35 (5:23/5:12), and 5:10 (2:37/2:33). 10min and 5min recovery jogs.
Felt very solid on this workout. The 3 mile was tempo effort while the 2mi and 1mi were definitely anaerobic.
PM: 5 miles (:42) CRC Run
Ran to Mountain Mama's and back in the FiveFingers. Somehow I found a great little area of trails I've never been on before...even after 7 years...

Thu-AM: 24 miles (3:05) Mt. Buckhorn+barefoot
Feeling good this morning but I took it easy in the beautiful weather. Finished up with 2 miles barefoot on the grass.

Fri-AM: 43 miles (6:00) Garden-RRR-Williams-Waldo-Cascade-UPT-Pipeline-Manitou-Garden+barefoot.

Last long long run before AR--mostly just wanted to get the time on my feet. Got up at 5am to get the run in before work so I was treated to a sunrise and alpenglow on Pikes from RRR--man, that's hard to beat. Finished up with 2 miles barefoot on the grass to get the full time.

Sat-AM: 32 miles (4:25) From Pott's Field in Boulder: through campus to Chataqua, Mesa Trail to Bear Canyon to Bear Peak back down to Mesa Trail then Mesa all the way over to Eldorado Canyon back on Mesa to Potts where I finished up with 2 miles on the Boulder Creek Path.
The last 10 minutes up Bear Peak were a hike because of steep snow but the views from the top were incredible.  I really rocked the pace all the way back from Eldo to Potts on the Mesa Trail feeling great---I might have to spend a serious length of time in Boulder sometime soon.

Sun-AM: 15 miles (2:06) South Santa Fe out and back w/ Jocelyn plus a North Loop
Ran nice and easy in the new snow...definitely needed the easy day.

Total: 182 miles (24:40)

I was very happy with this week.  The Wednesday workout and Fri/Sat back to back long runs are exactly what I need right now---I'm starting to feel pretty fit.


  1. Tony - great tempo/interval workouts the last few weeks; 6:50 pace should feel nice and easy at AR!
    - paul

  2. Thanks Paul---yeah, I've been trying. I hope you're right about the 6:50 pace---a little extra oxygen can't hurt, either.


  3. Last week someone asked you if you worry about your weight; I think that's a funny question to ask someone who burns 25,000 to 50,000 calories per day. My only question is how do you keep weight on--oh yeah, Ice Cream!

  4. I'm no nutritional expert but I don't think Anton, (or anyone) regularly burns anywhere like 25,000 calories a day.

    And I think what the person asking last week was about how to keep the weight on or at an efficient level for racing ahd what this weight is. On the DVD Anton talks about just eating bagels and bread quite often (if I remember correctly) and yes, ice cream too.

  5. Anton, how are the nb 790s compared to the puma cortlandt? What are the advantages or disadvantages as compared with inov-8 250? Did you have to cut the heal off of the NB 790? I assume the crosslite wasn't working out

  6. Alright I was exaggerating a little--maybe 5,000 to 6000 calories, but you get the idea. Weight isn't really a concern for someone who puts in that kind of mileage with such a low amount of body fat. Back me up Anton!

  7. I ran farther than you on Wed night and had less clothes on. Hopefully you're not getting soft on us...

  8. JT - please don't talk about lack of clothing and "going soft" in the same sentence anymore!

    - paul

  9. "Fri-AM: 43 miles (6:00) Garden-RRR-Williams-Waldo-Cascade-UPT-Pipeline-Manitou-Garden+barefoot.
    Last long long run before AR--mostly just wanted to get the time on my feet. Got up at 5am to get the run in before work..."

    If you're not a bad ass, then I don't know who is.
