Sunday, September 11, 2011

Week Summary: Sept 5 - 11

Mon-AM: 5:20, 4100' - James Peak (13,294')
Hiked up from the East Portal TH with Jocelyn.  Perfect weather day.  Longest day I've spent on my leg since I broke it and everything seemed to hold up just fine.

Tue-AM: 1:13, 3200' - Slab+Bear Peak
Biked to the Cragmoor TH to meet Buzz where we ran up to the base of the Slab for a scramble lap on that before he headed back down and I marched up Fern to tag the summit.  Overcast, gloomy day made for perfect conditions.  Ran the ~1.5mi back down to the trailhead, too, from the mouth of Fern Canyon.

Wed-AM: 1:26, 2800' - Green Mt.
Up and down the front.  Raining, crisp morning made for awesome weather and meant I had the mountain all to myself for my first real run since I broke my leg back in June.  Ran every step door-summit-door with no ill effects.  So good to be back.  The cool weather down here made it feel like it had to be snowing up in the high country.

Thu-AM: 1:35, 2800' - Green Mt.
Up Flattie2, down Ranger-Flag. Another morning with awesome conditions and an incredible sunrise. All of yesterday's rain made the trail super-tacky and fast. Nice descending Flag to EGF Park as it leaves me with only a couple blocks of pavement.

Fri-AM: 1:46, 3200' - Green Mt.
Up Flattie2, down Greenman-Gregory and then an extra ~500' bop up Flagstaff trail and down to Viewpoint and EGF to avoid pavement on the way home.
PM: 1:40, 1700' - Slab (hiking/climbing)
Jocelyn and I started from Cragmoor (she was running).  I hiked hard up to the Slab, changed shoes, and soloed it before hiking back down.  Climb took a bit longer than I'd planned because I got a good bit off route and into some slightly steeper terrain than I'd anticipated.

Sat-AM: 1:38, 2800' - Green Mt.
Up Amp-SR-Gman, down Gman to Flagstaff and EGF. Another awesome fall morning. Had nice footwork on the way down.

Sun-AM: 1:10, 1100' - Betasso Preserve
Ran super easy with Jocelyn and Jen checking out these trails.  Cool area but mt. bike trails are too smooth and flat.

Hours: 15h49
Vert: 21,700'

Really great week getting back on the trails and getting into regular running again.  Other than James Peak, there were only a couple other hours of hiking this week, making for ~8hrs of running.  This next week will be quite a bit more subdued because of a bunch of traveling I'll be doing, but that will probably be a good thing just to ensure that I don't ramp up too quickly.

Right now my fibula feels absolutely perfect, but as I was afraid way back in June (the day I broke my leg, one of the first things I said to Jocelyn was, "I just hope I don't take three months off and then still have this posterior tibial tendonitis") the tendonitis in my shin is definitely still there a little bit.  Part of me is borderline defeatingly frustrated with it while another part is confident that with appropriate therapy and rehab I'll get it completely healed this time...I mean, I just took three months off!  So, we'll see, but this next week will be easier either way.

Rogers Pass with James Peak.
Continental Divide, looking north.
Flatties sunrise.
Green summit.


  1. Great photos, Tony.
    After Bear100 last year I took a month off and was frustrated to still have pain in my anterior tibial tendonitis when I started back up with the training. After about 4 weeks it gradually went away with no treatment, just running.
    Good to have you back in the mix.

  2. Awesome photos. Nice to think that when I update my blog on a Sunday that a post from Anton is in available to read too. I am sure you are glad to be back!

  3. Great photos - thanks for sharing.
    What's your 'Flattie2' route - is that up the switchbackey trail between 1st and 2nd flatirons?

  4. I just found your blog and love it! Awesome pictures :) I am a beginner runner and preparing for my first half marathon :) I really don't know how you manage to run so many miles a week while i can barely run 20K a week :) You are incredible and such an inspiration!

  5. Tony, your running truly inspires me. With regard to your tendonitis, have you looked into Trigger Point Therapy? I've done some self-applied work with a couple of issues I had that appeared to be tendon-related and it is nearly miraculous as far as I'm concerned. You may want to check it out. It is massage-based so would fit in with the other therapy you get.


  6. You know Anton, I love reading your blog. I'm 42 with a 7 year old daughter, a husband in medical residency (last year, thankfully!)and I am a nurse. I'm in school, training for the North Face Endurance Challenge- my first ultra, and I am going crazy! Sometimes I think, I need to stop something- my running? school? being a wife and mother? But I can't stop anything because they all work together to keep me alive!

    When I read about how you overcome your injuries and work on school and life in general I am just so inspired to kick myself in the butt and GO!
    I wish you well with all your healing and thanks.


  7. Anton,
    We met at Fruita 50 a few years back. I have suffered with the Posterior Tib Tendonitis since I started running. However, I met a PT at a race this year and he recommended this treatment:
    I did it religiously for a month and I am completely healed and no pain and lots more miles over the last 4 months. I did have a setback in my knee tendons with this method. Now, I don't sit all the way down. I sit down a bit and use my hands to push the stick into my calves really hard, obliterating all knots and adhesions on the back of my shin bones. It is excruciating, but very effective. I use a dow rod from the hardware store, but any rod will work. Give it a try.
    Best wishes,

  8. Glad to see you back in action Tony. Hey check out the new Blitzen Trapper album if you haven't already. More than a few songs on there I think you'll dig, based on your interest in Paper Bird. Happy trails bro.

  9. Tim - yeah, this is post tib I'm dealing with (and have been since January!)...running through it def doesn't work, but it now seems that resting (3 months worth!) also seems to do basically nothing.

    Alex - yes, the switchbacky trail between Flattie1 and 2. Awesome trail.

    Matt - yep, i've had some trigger point therapy done on the shin before, but none recently.

    Jeremy - thanks for the video tip. going to pick up a dowel rod today. we might've ran the first 5mi or so of Fruita near each other, if i remember correctly?

    Keoman - nope, same old camera.

  10. Tony,
    Can you give us a detailed "A Day in the Life of Anton Krupicka" post?

  11. Yep, I only trained for that one by rock climbing. I'm pretty solid when it comes to the first 5 miles of any race marathon or longer. I spent the last 20 cramping, got chicked and finished 8th. Afterward at the Holiday Inn Express presents: Andy Skurka Keynote Address Shindig brought to you by Backpacking Light, you said something like, "don't worry because later in the year you will be better heat trained." I said, "Nope, I'm retiring." My guests from out of town still talk about the time they met the "Running Hay-Zoose."
    Good times.
