Sunday, February 21, 2010

Weekly Summary: February 15-21

Some more fleshed-out details of my training is something that I've had a few requests for, so I thought I'd give it a shot this week, but I'm not sure whether I'll make it a regular deal.  I record my training in detail in other (more private) places, but ever since I've been a runner I've been interested in the specifics of other runner's training, so since there is an expressed interest in mine I feel a little compelled to oblige that interest.

Having said that, I find writing and reading these posts to be pretty dull.  The sheer nuts and bolts of a training regimen just aren't that interesting when put down in black and white.  Successful performances in distance running typically come as the result of an enormous back-log of surprisingly unvarying, unexciting (to the non-actor, at least) repetition and that is especially true of my training so far in 2010.  No secrets will be divulged here because there are none to reveal.  Enjoy your running, believe in it, do it consistently, and it will usually work.  (Ah, but that usually is what confounds everything...)

Finally, in the interest of spicing up what are sure to be otherwise exceedingly dreary posts I will probably entertain myself by also posting a song (of a hopefully live performance) that I find to be particularly compelling (but not necessarily entirely cutting edge or completely contemporaneous...I'm not a full-on hipster) that particular week.  If it helps turn someone else on to a band that I find to be especially awesome, great.
Mon-AM: 14 miles (2:04) Green Mt. Ranger-Greenman, 2800'
         PM: 14 miles (2:02) Green Mt. up Amp-down Ranger, 2800'
                32:19 PR up the frontside (6:45, 12:35, 18:40, 29:40)
Tue-AM: 14 miles (2:10) Green Mt. Ranger-Greenman, 2800'
                 Predictably tired after yesterday evening.
Wed-AM: 14 miles (2:09) Green Mt. Ranger-Greenman, 2800'
                 50th summit--ran down with Jocelyn.
         PM: 14 miles (2:00) Green Mt. Amp-Greenman, 2800'
                 32:49 for the climb up the frontside. 14min barefoot.
Thu-AM: 14 miles (2:09) Green Mt. Ranger-Greenman, 2800'
                A good bit tired again...hmm...a pattern? 7min barefoot.
Fri-AM: 14 miles (2:11) Green Mt. Ranger-Greenman, 2800'
               4" fresh snow slowed things considerably
      PM: 13 miles (2:10) Green Mt. Ranger-Greenman, 2800'
              With Jocelyn at 6:30pm, so the whole run was in the dark.
Sat-AM: 15 miles (2:15) Green Mt. Ranger-Bear Canyon, 3000'
               With Dan K.  2" fresh snow and snowing the whole way.
Sun-AM: 17 miles (2:33) Green Mt. Ranger-Bear Canyon+, 3000'
               ~6" fresh powder on the trail slowed things way down.
-Miles:  143
-Hours:  21h 43min
-Vertical:  28,400'
-Green Mt: 56 summits (after 52 days) 

This has been an extremely heartening week.  The previous week I had to be cautious because the knee seemed to have a tiny relapse and I was a little gun-shy (run-shy?) as a result, content to just get in the default 2 hr Green ascent every day.  However, this week I struck upon the seemingly newly-sustainable plan of doing a Double Green every-other-day and it has worked out very nicely.  So, this was a big week in the statistical categories.  Right now I am very content with the privilege to make it up into the mountains so consistently, so I don't really have a lot to complain about.

This morning I tentatively tested out my knee with a run that was significantly over 2 hr in duration by tacking on a couple extra miles on the Creek Path at the end of the run.  Sitting here right now it seemed to have gone pretty much fine--past experience informs me, however, that I won't really know how the knee has truly reacted until my run tomorrow.  A few images from this morning's outing:

(Monochromatic views of the Flatirons for the fourth day in a row, striding up to the Gregory Canyon trailhead.)

(Standing in a cloud on summit #56.)

(Exquisite view while exiting the mouth of Bear Canyon.)

(Despite the good week of running, this weather makes me long for the days when The Roost was my apartment and it was warm enough to be sans shirt: night-before-LT100-logistics-prep at my secret campsite, August 2009.)

Finally, I've been enjoying these fellas for quite a while now, so here's some shameless pop pleasure to get your head boppin' for the next week:


trailrunner said...

Truly inspiring as usual. Even though the blogging may seem tedious to you, please remember many of us wait anxiously for your posts! Loved the music as well, downloading as I type...

GZ said...

I guess I talk a bit of comfort in seeing you desire summer temps. I thought my desire to be done with the snow was just my older age (it might be anyway ... in the summer I yell at those kids to get off my lawn).

Glad to hear the knee is doing well. The mileage is rather nutty (to me) in light of the terrain and weather. Good stuff for February

Charlie said...

I agree with your comments on training and blogging. I record all my training runs on my blog for my own records, interest and motivation. As far as I am aware I am the sole reader of my blog, so it shouldn't bore anyone, and I am more than happy to keep it that way.

I am glad your blog hasn't yet deteriorated into a series of ads for sponsors products, be they socks, shoes or nutritional supplements. Your readers no doubt appreciate the quality of your posts rather than the quantity.

Unknown said...

Tony big thumbs up on your numbers and your taste in music. Ever since Manners came out I haven't been able to stop listening to it.

Patrick said...

Your blog is definitely not boring. If anything its inspiring and motivating. Keep on writing as I am one of those that eagerly awaits your next blog entry!

Anonymous said...

Finally, the two things your readers have long waited to see...
1.) The "Roost"
2.) Frosty beard

I can now cross those two items off the bucket list.

Great post!

Brandon Fuller said...

Oh, that's the secret -- I need to stop parking so close to the TH.

Jillian said...

I love love Passion Pit! My brother got me onto them a while ago...good stuff! :) I like 'The reeling' and 'Folds in your hands'.

Joe Chambers said...

Anton, people come to your blog for posts like these. They are mesmerized by you.

I need a Green Mt.

Wyatt Hornsby said...
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Wyatt Hornsby said...
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Wyatt Hornsby said...

Anton: I'm moving to the Denver area this spring--early to mid April. May do the Leadville 100 if I acclimate fast enough. Tentatively we're renting a house in Parker but eventually we may wind up in Castle Rock when we buy. Anyway, I'd love to meet you for a run when I'm out there. Your Green Mountain run sounds awesome. Look forward to meeting you at some point.

Wyatt Hornsby

Brian Lichi said...

I'm a runner from Australia, obviously your running is inspiring and it's been proper sweet to see you get back into the swing of things.

Went to see passion pit a couple weeks ago. Epic.

David Hill said...

Thanks for the details - not often you get real numbers like this from an elite ultra guy. It's appreciated.

Speedgoat Karl said...

Dude, your getting pretty repetitive! I like it, keep that knee at bay. You know me, if I show my numbers, I may be embarassed....well not really, I guess my numbers come in results, not daily miles. I missed you at Moab! I would have been a bridesmaid. Keep it rolling, we all look forward to watching you kill it this year....BTW, you should think about Mt. Blanc, you aren't on the list yet...but you could be. Think about it.

Heather Colvin said...

Hi there - just wanted to say how inspiring what you're doing is! I work for a company called Green Monkey, we are a yoga and Balanced Living company based out of Miami - we actually do a monthly e-newsletter for athletes called the Athletic Monkey and would love to feature you in it if you're interested. If so please email me at If you want to check out our website (between runs and training) it's

Keep up the awesome trail blazing!

Heather Colvin

RunPrimal said...

Know this sounds wierd but, what kind of truck you got there?