Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Various Links

I don't have a lot to report here, but there have been a couple recent prose contributions of mine published over at Running Times.

The first is an article I wrote a couple months ago for Rodale for which I was given the extremely broad prompt of "write about why you run trails" (a topic that I feel I have particularly oversaturated with my opinion).  Although not published in its originally-intended location or medium, I am pleased that it is now in the public sphere at all.

The second is a post over on my RT blog about a trip I took this past weekend for a series of talks/presentations in Michigan.

Finally, my auditory experiences of the past couple of weeks have been dominated by the following song by Phantogram. (Well, the entire album, actually.)

Egregious, I know, but I've gotta recommend this acoustic version as well:


Unknown said...

Congrats on gracing the May cover of Trail Runner Magazine!

Barry Bliss said...

Enjoyed reading both articles.
Good writing, Anton.

PS--Have you read anyhing by Nassim Taleb?

Ian Scott said...

Thanks for the music suggestions, have you listened to the new Mogwai album?

Unknown said...

The trail article is possibly the finest piece I have read on the connection between nature and man. It articulates, with ease, the subtleties of its appeal. It actually made my day. Thanks so much Anton.

Charlie said...

You Are the Ocean

Jason Schlarb said...

Enjoyed your perspective on why trail running. Nice.

When I'm small is in my head.

Andy said...

Agree with Malcolm - great article that expresses so well why most of us do this, and why so many follow your blog and your running adventures because your genuine passion and authenticity for "man in nature" comes thru. I would add that the outcome of living without authenticity is even worse than becoming what you pretend - it leaves you fractured in two equally unrewarding parts.
Well, this calls for a quick run on the local singletrack before work! Thanks Anton ...

Ouchita Trail Runner said...

I love the Cheese Burger in the Background of the AG version!

rpace6 said...

Great article! Cool cover shot too, what shoes are you wearing, I don't recognize them. Thanks, Rex

wiglebot said...

Zen seeks authenticity in nature as we love to run in the mountains alone. I find it a contradiction sometimes firing up my state-of-the art computer in a coffee shop sipping fresh beans from South America. Then, trying to let nature still run through my veins. Yet I don't see your competitive side pulling you away from nature at all. We are social beings and racing may help find (sustain) a balance. Sure puts you in beautiful places and brings on long meditations.

Jason said...

Tony- the wife and I were just out in Denver visiting some friends, so we took the trip up to Boulder and hiked up Green via the West Ridge trail (didn't have much time to spare). Was wondering if we'd bump into you, but no such luck. Your stomping grounds are SUPERB. We envy you, haha, and will definitely be back that way ASAP. Take it easy brother.

Jay said...

Cool articles. Thoughtful and well written as always. Thanks for sharing. One thought: reading a novel isn't totally different from sitting around a fire listening to the village elder tell stories. It is still connection to the human experience, with admittedly less community interaction. I tend to be of the school that most things change in form but not in essence. That said, you know yourself and what works for you and for that I respect you.

Thanks for the new band, too. They feel like Low meets a dance beat.

Hoppy said...

Anton ,enjoyed the written word on why run trails???.Excellent piece!,and articulately put as always . 'Feel don't think'! Bruce Lee,once said ,yet there's a time for both . And with all due respect ,seems people show more intrest in what shoes you are wearing than Paris Hilton,now that's something. : )

Anton said...

thanks all for the good words.

rex--i'm wearing a prototype of the update to the NB MT101, the MT110. it's very close to the vision i've had in my head since the beginning as to how a 'perfect' mountain running shoe should perform. i love them.

Samuel said...

Good choice of music Mr K.

tim white said...

Anton- Is there any chance the MT110 will see a release date before 2012? It sounds like its built on the same last as the MT10...?? If thats the case it would be so NICE to get that shoe out! I've just personally found (all minimalist hype/trends aside) that i cannot deal with more than a slight heel raise, so while i am enjoying the minimus trail as a training tool... it does little to fill my need for a more substantial mountain running shoe. I've tried to modify my MT101s, but thats really not the solution either. Anyway just curious what the time line will be for the MT110. Thanks.


Ryan said...

Anton-- In the NB Minimus Trail promotional video, you say that you cut the soles off your shoes because were so frustrated with not being able to find a completely flat shoe, yet the Minimus trail is not completely flat. Is the 4mm drop a compromise? Best. Ryan

Anonymous said...
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AshleyD said...

anton, will you please write a book?

Unknown said...

Tony, I've just got to say that you have become quite an eloquent writer - in addition to a pretty good runner! Always enjoy reading your articles - the one on why you run put into words wonderfully what so many of us experience.

Anonymous said...

Hello Anton,
I wanted to congratulate you for what you wrote in “Distilling the essence of why I run trails”.
I think that many people, and I'm one of those, do not have the courage to live what they want. Congratulations and thank you.

Fabio from Italy

Cloud said...
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Barry Bliss said...

I am a fan that is not panicking.

Rob said...

I'm a little concerned as well. I wouldn't want to have to move over to Scott Jurek's blog, that would be blasphemy.

Andy said...

Yeah, it's been tough. I've been getting a partial fix over at Bryon's iRunfar site, but it's not quite the same. Maybe Anton's been too busy writing papers for the end of the semester to find time to blog ...

Frank Bott said...

Tony, thanks for all your effort and contribution to the new line of NB shoes.. You have no idea what great things all that work has done for my long runs.. my short runs.. and most important my old feet.. thanks frank

Alex Gillespie said...


I hope the injury is getting better I think I and the other people whomhave posted miss your weekly updates.

I have just got a pair of NB MT101's and will give them eir 500 miles and will then move onto the minims. Thanks for the product development work. The shoes are great.

Best wishes


Greg said...

Hey Anton, throw us a bone. Your blogs really help keep getting me out-the-door... rain, snow, 0 degrees, night, whatever. Hope you are injury free... Have your revised your race schedule?
All the best

Greg said...
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Cloud said...
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Cloud said...
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Jamie said...

Cloud should probably read Anton's first few posts. He admits that starting this blog was a selfish endeavor to begin with. The fact that it has attracted so many fans is a testament to his accomplishments as a runner as well as his writing abilities.

Hope all is well, Anton, and I will look forward to your next post, whenever that may be.

JD said...

Poor Cloud. Somebody give him a baba.

Charlie said...

Supercoach Cloud has morphed into Cloud the Troll!

Is Tony's weekly mileage really that important to you?

thomas said...


i thought you might like this

Barry Bliss said...

Tony doesn't owe you anything, Cloud.

It's Anton Krupicka's business when and if he posts.
If I were him, I would be tempted to never post again after hearing the whining and bullshit.

Good blog while it lasted.
If it starts back up, cool.
If not, I enjoyed it.

Greg said...

Easy Cloud.... Maybe his computer broke.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed Anton's article on why he runs. For me it's a bit overwritten, but I'm glad it's not been too harshly edited.

Sometimes you need to give a chap the space to say something worth saying ... worth keeping in mind ;)

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I would at least like to thank Cloud for proving that he's a fraud, given his first posts here under the guise of "oh Anton, me and some of your friends in the pro trail racing community are concerned you're not running to your potential, and no one but me has the guts to express it to you."
Of course, you went back and deleted those the day I called you out as a liar, so I'm having to go from memory.
Anyway, thanks again. You're obviously not who you said you were, and I'm extending that to your claimed running credentials.

Anyway... Anton, whatever you're doing, may you be well, happy and peaceful doing it.

Unknown said...

What's going on here? It doesn't look very well:

1. Top dog syndrome: when in race and one's not winning, one falls apart.
2. The strategy is: when gets injured, ones goes into hiding without blog posts for awhile.
3. In chronological order: too much training, less and less victories, broken body, mental trauma.

I know I'm wrong.

Barry Bliss said...

Wow, some of you are really rude.
If someone gives you something for a year and they stop for a few days you whine?
They never had to give you anything to begin with.
The armchair coaching is gross.
For all you now Anton's sick or dealing with an emergency or sick of the internet.
It's nobody's business but his.
Go for a run if you need to some adventure.

Andy said...

Agree with Barry. And maybe Anton is returning to a more purist approach to running which doesn't involve dealing with all this BS. It's noteworthy that no one who actually knows what Anton is up to - including Anton himself - has stooped to enter this fray. I guess we'll have to track his running like we did in the old days and just wait for Miwok results next weekend.

Anton said...

Hello All-
I appreciate the concern and interest expressed here--fact of the matter is I've been injured and busy with school.

(And, at the risk of stooping to enter the fray :-)
I have no problem with dissenting view points and constructive criticism and debate, and even welcome it. I prefer to keep this an open forum. I'll even tolerate your rather shameful anonymity (though I think it clearly places the worth of your words on comically shaky ground) and allow your legitimate point that I might not have been fully appreciating and considering my readership by posting less frequently.

However, I deleted your posts because they were unnecessarily laced with profanity. While I believe that swearing can arguably have it's place in casual conversation with friends or possibly in times of great distress, many people find it offensive, so let's keep it clean.

If you want your opinion to have any weight in the future (or to even remain in my comment threads) you'll have to cut the profanity and post under something other than a made-up psuedonym. Man-up and take on some accountability.

rpace6 said...

Word. Love this blog. Every time.


(sorry, no blogger acct)

Zachary said...

I found out about Phantogram from your blog... love them... now they are swinging through Alabama in November so I can stop watching their youtube vids and see them live. Thanks for the music :)

The Latest News said...

I might brand yourWOW Gold post your dreamland! While Father christmas hits from the doorway one time each year, a runescape gold blog site is open the entire year