Thursday, May 16, 2013

Last Couple Of Weeks

Mon-AM: 2:01, 4000' ~ 1st and 5th Flatirons+Green Mt.
Ran from my doorstep up to Chat, linked up the two flatties, then headed to the summit of Green before descending down Ranger-Flag-Viewpoint. Took it easy but legs felt good considering yesterday's long run.
PM: 1:09, 3000' ~ 1st Flatiron+Green Mt.
Usual evening outing, but after warming up my legs felt surprisingly snappy and I scrambled the 1st in 12:30 before tagging the summit of Green in 45min from Chat.

Tue-AM: 2:08, 3200' ~ 1st Flatiron+Green Mt.
Ran from home, went up Green via the First and then descended Bear Canyon. Tired morning, but by just keeping the effort mellow it was a very enjoyable outing. Good to remember I don't always need to be pushing.
PM: 1:09, 3000' ~ 1st Flatiron+Green Mt.
Biked to Chat and then did the same exact run as last night, scrambling in 12:40 and getting to the summit in 44min. Gorgeous evening with the sun shining over the low clouds of the incoming storm.

Wed-AM: 2:20, 3000' ~ Green Mt.
Ran down to the Boulderado to meet the Wolfepaw for a lap over the hill in a snowstorm. Up Bear Canyon, down Ranger-Flag. 6" of fresh snow with more dumping down.

Thu- off. Toe is really infected, so couldn't really even get a shoe on. Needed an easy day anyhow.

Fri-AM: 2:27, 4500' ~ Bear & Green
Ran up to Chat and apparently just missed Mackey and the Paw as I caught up to them on the summit of Bear, after marching up Fern Canyon. Brilliant morning. Broke trail down Bear's West Ridge---dutifully bloodying the shins---before heading up Green and descending down Ranger-Flag.
PM: 1:16, 3000' ~ First Flatiron+Green Mt.
Biked to Chat, then cruised up the slab/hill with lots of energy. Yesterday's rest day put a lot of pep in my legs and the toe is much improved. Super slushy trails.

Sat-AM: 2:25, 5200' ~ Bear & Green+1st Flatiron
Biked to Chat, then the usual: up Fern, back over Green, descend to the base of the First for a lap on the rock, and run back down to Chat. Trails were still full of snow/ice/slush, but it's melting quick.
PM: 1:14, 3000' ~ First Flatiron+Green Mt.
Biked to Chat to meet Joe. We jogged easily up to the base of the First with Geoff and Will. Had a really on-point, quick scramble and downclimb and then slipped and slid to the summit of Green with Joe. He continued on up to Gold Hill, while I ran back down to my bike at Chat.

Sun-AM: 1:48, 3200' ~ First Flatiron+Green Mt.
Early lap up the slab to the top of the mountain and then descent of Bear Canyon before hustling down to the bus stop to go to DIA and Spain.

Hours: 17h57min
Vert: 35,100'


Mon - off. Travel to La  Palma

Tue-AM: 1:48, 3500' ~ Transvulcania Course
Drove up to the church above Los Llanos with Tim, Cam, and Emelie and ran up the 1600'/20min of steep, cobbled switchbacks to the ridge where we intersected the race course. Tim went right while Cam and I continued climbing. Cam had done a couple hours the day before so he turned around after a bit but I continued on up to a small peak at 6500' or so before running back down to the car. Hot, dry day.

Wed-AM: 0:51, 1200' ~ Tazacorte
Ran with Tim, Cam, Joe, and Martin down to the beach where Cam stayed on the roads and the rest of us climbed the 1000' or so up the steep, cobbled switchbacks that the race takes down to the beach. Hot and humid, but legs felt good.

Thu-AM: 0:56, 800' ~ Sol de La Palma Rd
After going to bed with suspiciously flu-like muscle aches, I woke up feeling completely sick---terrible headache, muscle aches all over my body, sensitive skin, feverish---but tried to be positive and thought I'd go for a run to just see how things felt. Surprisingly, not too bad, as long as I didn't move my eyes around too much in my skull. However, things just got worse the rest of the day, which was pretty excruciating as most of the day was spent giving interviews to various media outlets. Those are tough enough to endure without feeling like shit, so it was a pretty rough day where all I wanted to do was just go back to bed. Turns out, fevers and full-body aches would make sleep the next three nights pretty much non-existent anyhow.

Fri/Sat/Sun - off. Flu.

Hours: 3h35
Vert: 5500'

Pretty bad trip overseas. These were my top-three highlights of the trip:

1 - This sunset from my hotel room balcony on Friday night.

2 - The half-day I spent with the good folks at BUFF in Barcelona this past Monday.

3 - Meeting and chatting with Robbie Lawless, the RunTramp; dude's a legend.

Beyond that...ugh. I haven't been more disappointed about a race experience since the WS100 was canceled in 2008 and I was fully fit and ready to go.  Not much else to say, other than, boy, I wish I had decided to duck Sage et al. before I'd embarked on the nearly 30hr of travel it took to get me from Boulder to La Palma. Seems like it would've saved me a whole lot of unnecessary hassle and stress.

Colorado's late spring snows have pushed back the timeframe for my planned Nolan's 14 attempt---probably far far into late June---and I'm struggling a bit mentally with the prospect of not competing until Speedgoat. We'll see, I'll hopefully jump in something next month, but other than WS and Hardrock, things are kinda blank until Speedgoat.


Unknown said...

Sorry to hear. But happens. And in the grand scheme of things, it's nothing serious.

Find something else quickly, in the next few weeks, and run it.

Run something different. Something shorter. Run whatever. Just to enjoy testing yourself and put this disappointing feeling behind you.

mathisonej said...

Such a bummer Tony. Your prep had been going really well. There's lots of season left though, and you'll be able to be even more focused for the rest of it. Keep strong.

Billy said...

What happened with Sage?

Bummer to hear about the illness Tony. Hope you still got to enjoy parts of the trip. Looking forward to seeing you again at Speedgoat though.

David Hill said...

Tough timing break with the flu, stuff happens. Get back on the horse and this will be a dim memory. And dude you raced Speedgoat last year against a stacked field on a sub par day, so think people know you don't duck. Plenty of season left, good luck.

Guy Cheney said...

Nolans 14 FKT attempt in June?

Anonymous said...

Shit Happens My Man!

This is where you need to go deep inside and ask yourself what truly matters. Does a race define AK or who you are? Or does the act or passion of being in the High Country, while breaking FKT’s and peak bagging the Tetons, or Longs, and of course Nolans (Soon). I think you would agree along with all of your fans that the latter takes the cake.

I even remember you saying this in your blog, or an interview, or an article... (Paraphrasing) " A race is a celebration nothing more, sure it’s nice to win as there is some ego in winning a big race and having people thinking you’re a neat guy, but that’s not why I race. If tomorrow I woke up and found out there was no more racing, I would still be doing what I do...and staying true to myself."

Again paraphrasing, but the message is still the same. Keep doing you Tony, and keep growing and pushing the envelope with your personal projects. Sounds like you are doing just that ( your new documentary is proof of that) with this whole "Mountain Running/Solo Mountaineering"

You do this my friend, and you will find all the respect and fanfare in the was a just a race brother nothing more nothing less.


Rain said...

Sorry to hear about the race, that sunset is amazing, and almost, just almost should make up for it :)

Anonymous said...

Was really sorry to hear you came down with the flu Tony. Horrible timing but it could hit any of us at anytime. Had you considered running Zegama? Thought that would have been an ideal race for your strengths as a plan B while in Spain

Anton said...

C.J. - I definitely want to run Zegama at some point, but this year my Mom's birthday/retirement party is next week, and, well, that only happens once, so I'll be headed home to Nebraska.

Chris said...

Tony, I am sure it was a huge disappointment to travel that far, be in great shape, and miss out on such an awesome race That being said, don't complain about the "rigors"of doing interviews with the media. You are a professional ultrarunner and get paid to travel, race, blog, etc. Makes you sound like an ungrateful jerk.

R. Logan Brooks said...

Wow. Only one line of all the above comments really struck a cord with me. Bet TK could attest! Ha!

Chris Cawley said...

pocatello 50

kevo said...

Tony! dont get discouraged about that race , you have still a bunch of races to tell us about in the future! and let me tell you this! i am positive you can beat Kilian and Sage!so keep it real and dig out of that feeling...

Unknown said...
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Anton said...

Chris - Point taken. I live a pretty charmed life. As I'm sure you've experienced, though, it can be difficult to maintain perspective when you have the flu.

Cawley - Don't worry, I've been thinking about it...especially since Luke says it's the last year they'll be doing the off-trail section. I assume you're heading up for it?

Chris Cawley said...


Not looking likely, as despite good fitness I have yet to get in a groove of week-in, week-out mileage without tweaking something, as I have recently done to my achilles. I may go up for something fun to do but a race entry is a long shot...

At any rate, be in touch before the Speedgoat this year. Alpine adventures/access to indoor plumbing in LCC will await.

Borislav said...

hey Tony, I am a big fun of you
just want to mention, I don't know whether you know, ultramarathoner too,
check his fruitstyle life and you would never get a flu again ;)

Anonymous said...


Was curious since the end of May is approaching within a week and some change...on a possible release date on your new documentary?


Barry Bliss said...

Same thing crossed my mind that crossed the first commentor's, which is that maybe you'd enjoy doing a 10k or 1/2 or something relatively soon, just to do it.
Maybe even in Nebraska?

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a wise choice regarding Mom's birthday/retirement party. You have your priorities in the right order :-)

Court5km said...
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Court5km said...

your presence at the race was surely missed. no one quite like AK ♥ Enjoy the rest of your training & racing this summer.

jhc36 said...

You're the Laird Hamilton of the ultra scene. I'm sure it's super disappointing, but your FKT's are just as good as any race (imo of course). Keep up the awesome work.

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