Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Western States Images

There was a lot going on out on the course on Saturday, and a lot of folks got some neat shots that really help sum up the day.  Below are a few of my favorites.  Also, my race report is in the hands of the good folks at Running Times and should be posted in less than 24 hours.  I'll provide a link when it's up.

(Running up to Emigrant Pass out of Squaw Valley with Geoff, first thing in the morning. There was an incredible layer of fog hanging out in Squaw Valley and then the spectacular view of Lake Tahoe directly behind us. Photo: Luis Escobar)

(Geoff, Kilian and I as we were from miles 23-45--never more than a few feet apart. Photo: Salomon)

(Dusty Corners (38mi) pit-stop: it looks hectic, but my crew was perfect all day. Photo: Doug White)

(And away I go--leaving Dusty Corners. Photo: Doug White)

(Getting weighed at Devil's Thumb, mile 48.)

(Running into Michigan Bluff at mile 56. I'm obviously excited here because the major canyons are over and I still feel really good. Both of my empty bottles are stuck in the back of my shorts--I was definitely carrying water all day! Rickey Gates sneaks in there with a little video coverage, too. Photo: Glenn Tachiyama)

(Joe escorts me out of Michigan Bluff; still running calm and relaxed even though it's starting to get hot. Photo: Brett Rivers)

(Coming into Foresthill at mile 62 with Jenn.  Still feeling really good but pretty curious as to how I'm ever going to manage to break Kilian. Photo: Megan Zaranek)

(A short video clip at ~70mi on Cal St. I'd just gotten a ton of rocks in my right shoe and needed to stop briefly to get 'em out. This was the only time--other than the raft ride--that I got off my feet the whole race. We caught back up to Kilian and Rickey right after this.)

(Riding across the river at mile 78 with Joe, Rickey, and Kilian. I'm kind of losing it here a bit--just tired and hot. Photo: jLu)

(Emerging from a dunk in the river and preparing to run the hill up to Green Gate at mile 80. Photo: Glenn Tachiyama)

(From left to right: Rickey, me, Jenn, Jorge, and Kilian running up the climb from the River Crossing to Green Gate, ~79mi.  I think this picture shows pretty well why Geoff was able to catch and pass both Kilian and I--we'd been working each other pretty hard for the last 35mi and were hardly ever seperated by more than what is shown in this photograph.  At the top of the hill, Kilian would lie down in the shade and I wouldn't see him again until the finish line. Photo: Luis Escobar)

(Just before the mile 93.5 Highway 49 Crossing. I'm sure I'm looking for Geoff in this shot as I'd been within 50 yards of him just a few minutes earlier. Photo: Carl Costas)

(Running across No Hands Bridge at mile 96.8 with Jenn trailing me. Photo: Megan Zaranek)

(Wow. Pretty intense moment here at ~97mi. Jenn and I had just crossed No Hands Bridge where we were erroneously told that Geoff was only 3-4min up (it was actually 5 or 6min). I'm doing everything I possibly can to rally any kind of charge to make one final bid at the win. On the almost three mile descent to No Hands I knew I wasn't going fast enough to catch Geoff, but it's all my quads would allow, so I was just hoping that he would blow up a little on the Robie Point climb and maybe I'd be able to catch sight of him again like I had a half an hour earlier on the climb up to Highway 49.  Geoff closed extremely well and timed his final surge perfectly. Photo: Luis Escobar)

(Finishing 2nd, six minutes behind Geoff and 23min under Scott's old CR. I guess this picture shows why you run the WS100--the competition is top-notch and people get excited about it. In North America, probably only the Leadville 100 approaches the same level of interest at the finish line and along the course throughout the day, and it's not even nearly this high. Photo: Luis Escobar)

(Pretty happy to be done--Geoff is standing there to greet me. Photo: Carl Costas)

(Congratulations from the Sheltonator. Photo: Glenn Tachiyama)

(Five-time winner, 25-time finisher, and WSER Board President Tim Twietmeyer interviewing me moments after finishing.  I'm mostly just psyched to be off my feet! Photo: jLu)

(Media scrum: people get excited about this race! Photo: Luis Escobar)

(Rickey provided the contraband. Photo: jLu)

(Congratulating the man I ran with all day. Photo: jLu)


Eric@URP said...

Wow! Great pics and comments, and absolutely epic race!
Can't wait for the RR.

Dusty said...

FANTASTIC photos. I can't wait for the race report.

Mike said...

Watching the webcast and seeing the live finishes was exciting. Congratulations on your finish and thank you for bringing the sport to a new level!

Green Gal said...

Woah awesome! This makes me want to run. Maybe I should keep reading your blog and it will motivate me to get out :) Nice job!!

Lauren said...

Congrats on an incredible race. Thanks for posting all the photos, you are super inspiring.

Jim Ott said...

Truly amazing. Congratulations on an awesome performance and thanks for sharing some of the details of the competition, the challenges and the photographs.

Craig Thornley said...

One hell of a great race, Anton. Way to compete all the way to the finish. As was pointed out several times to me, the top five men all had long hair. Guess it's time to grow the hair out :-)

Kurt said...

Man great pictures that capture a epic race. Races like this are what is shaping our sport each and every day. Thanks for sharing and great job !!



R. Logan Brooks said...


Thanks for the post and the pics from the weekend. Cheers on the race, it was unreal from an outsiders standpoint.

Brian said...

Well done. Glad to see you finally making it to the starting line of WS, and then finishin with great results. Excellent run, excellent pictures.

vis said...

Love the congratulations at the end. Running neck-and-neck w/ other runners definitely creates a certain bond. Thanks for making June 26th such a great day. Twas fun following the coverage.

One question: What do you carry in your water bottles besides water?

Anonymous said...

Craig Thornley said:

"As was pointed out several times to me, the top five men all had long hair. Guess it's time to grow the hair out"

Kilian's hair is pretty short, no?

Tony: where was Jocelyn?

Deanna Stoppler said...

Very nice Tony! I tracked you all day and even woke up in the middle of the night wondering if you'd won. I'm stoked for your course record.

ben said...

Great race. I was glued to my phone all day for updates on the race. You guys put on an amazing show. It was cool to have the top runners competing in the same event. With more races like this the sport of ultra running can't help but grow.

Anton said...

I don't carry anything but water in my water bottles. That way, if my stomach goes bad I can still drink. I get electrolytes from S! Caps and calories from GU.

Unfortunately, Jocelyn has been in Peru for the past 2 months and had to miss the action on Saturday--she gets home next week, though!

Rennaker said...

Nice work AK!

See you at the bachelor/Hillclimb party...


p.s. how did you get the pictures already?

Sarah said...

Congrats, Tony....A job well done...You are truly an inspiration.

What is next?

Michael Valliant said...

I don't think I've ever read a better race report. The photos and captions tell it all. I "watched" it all go down from Maryland and was riveted. Hats off to you, man. Truly inspirational! --Mike V.

Ken Lambert said...

Great race! I was pulling for you all day. You are a real inspiration.

brownie said...

Hooray PBR!

Steve said...

Great job Tony, you're a huge inspiration! I love the shot of you and Jenn at mile 97.

Scott Dunlap said...

A perfect visual recap! Congratulations on a simply heroic performance.

Anonymous said...

What were you wearing around your ankle during the race?

Ferran said...

Great! From Kilian's country, Catalonia, huge congratulations to you and the other runners, from the first to the last.
I've just discovered your blog and I'm happy for it. You've a new follower.

Anton said...

Anon-Everyone had to wear a timing chip around their ankle during the race.

Luis Recuenco said...

Very Nice photos.
Grat Race
Happy to see you running with Kilian.

Jordi Ferrer said...

Huge photos and race! Really incredible!
Congratulations from Catalan Countries, through following Kilian I've discovered you and your blog and it's amazing. You've a new follower too.

sea legs girl said...

Hi Tony. I have been a reader of your blog for years now (wow! time flies). Sorry I haven't commented. I am happy for you that the race went so well. And impressed that it was perhaps your favorite, considering, well, such tough competition. You are the first person who has made me really want to run Western States, because I can just sense how much you loved it. So I say thanks now, but I may be mad at you later if I actually get in and end up passed out along side of the trail at mile 70.

I have to also thank you for posting the Luis Escobar photos. I can't remember seeing more beautiful and emotional running photos.

Congrats on an awesome race, which I know didn't come without hard work.

From a friend and supporter in Denmark :).

Coolrunnings said...

Rehydrating with a can of PBR. You'd make a great sponsor for their fine product!

Dimitris Troupis said...

Anton, congrats for your epic race! You are a true fighter! I'm also a trail/mountain runner and I live in Greece so I followed with agony your epic battle with Killian and Geoff through Internet blogs. I posted an extensive and detailed report with several photos of this amazing race in our trail & mountain running internet forum ( The first 100 mile ultra-trail race in Greece will take place in October 2010 ( in the woods of Rodopi mountains in northern part of Greece, so we find your posts, race and practice strategies VERY helpful and inspiring to all of us. Thank you!Keep up running...;-)

Unknown said...

awesome stuff dude.

Thomas said...

I followed that race on line. And man, you kept me up all night!

Salomon posted (almost) live pictures. What a head to head with Kilian. More entertaining than anything else sports has to offer!


Andy said...

Yes! These photos do a great job capturing the race with your comments below them! Almost don't need a race report! Great race Anton!

By the way Krupicka sounds like a Bohemian or Czech name. I'm of Bohemian descent as well (Holak). Go Bohunk ultrarunners baby!!! :-)

chuckd said...

Congrats on a courageous race Tony. You raced hard for 100 miles against some tough competition.
Thanks for the pics, and the comments are excellent. You can see and feel, the grit and emotion through the words and pictures.
You're an inspiring runner. Keep up the good work.


Scott McMurtrey said...

Some amazing photos here, Tony. Each dripping with the energy from the race.

Anton said...

Andy--Yup, Bohunk through and through...bummed I missed my hometown's Kolache Days festivities last week...

NJ said...

Congrats on a great race! Awesome photos!

Shellyrm ~ just a country runner said...

I know, who care what I am. You are amazing. Your story and photos make it nearly impossible to continue to sit here. I feel like I HAVE to get outside and run again.

100 miles! I am still working toward my first 50 miler. What a inspiraton you are.

K said...

Thank you for an amazing race! I am in awe as usual by your journey. The photos are amazing!

SeanE said...

Way to crush it Tony!
Speaking of your bohunk roots; i run in the Bohemian Alps runs every year (50k, 1/2 marathon) and if you were looking for a side trip/excuse to come back to NE to visit the fam, then you should stop by and run a hilly race.
BTW, i took my sons up to Niobrara SP a couple weeks ago; good runnin hills, and spectacular breakfast at Ole's...

Moshe said...

Inspiring photos (and actually great photography as well...)

Jeff Browning said...

Nice work, brohaus. Great pics. I was following you guys all day online. Good work and rest well. I heard Dirt Bag Joe had to bow out of full pacing duties due to Bighorn legs. I told him that would be a tough pace. Glad Jenn could step up. Rest well, see ya on the trails. Peace.

muir said...

Congrats on a fantastic effort Tony. Hope the knee came through OK. Not sure if Joe intended to land in the water the way he did at the Rucky Chucky raft loading spot. He looked a bit surprised. Hope to see you again next year.

Randy said...

I followed live all day and watched you cross the finish line. The pictures with the comments are great and bring it all together. Thanks. Congrats on a Great race! I want to know how the MT101's worked. I wear MT100's & awaiting the 101's!

Joel said...

First, off congrats Tony! It's amazing that it was so close. An epic race. Great, great, great photos! I guess Ms. Shelton was pacing, not competing this year? Strange question, but any idea what the shorts you're wearing are? Does NB still make them? For a 2.5/3inch short the cut is really good!

Anonymous said...

In Tears!

Jack said...

Félicitation de France et du Team New Balance !
A bientôt en Europe ! :)

knix05 said...

Congratulations for your race and what you are ! In France we will wait you for UTMB now ! Pics are fantastics !

paul hopi said...

Anton ,as i posted on geoff,s blog earlier-'In my opinion there was more than one winner at WSER100 this year'.And that You ,Geoff and Kilian represented the sport very well!(understatement!). Showing that Ultra running can have Fierce competion yet solid comradarie. Nice work!for both - Total class!.And good to finaly meet you. Keep rockin the tunes , alohas from Hawaii.p.s. Consider the Hurt 100 jan 2011? :)you,d fully dig it!

Anonymous said...

Awesome Race Anton! Truly an epic race to be remembered for a long time!

Ultratrailchick said...

Amazing pics! Still trying to figure out which NB's those are. You got me hooked on the 100s! :-) Congrats to Jenn as well!

Barry Bliss said...

Wow, Tony.
Did you notice how the way you ran this race was exactly like the way you trained for it?
You must be pleased that you have become someone that runs wisely.

Runners on Trails said...

Inspirational. Thanks for the photos and write-up. I'm nursing a back injury and don't know if I'll run again, but love to dream and hope. Well done. Michael

Shane said...

Congrats! Inspirational effort all the way. Thanks for pics and for communicating with everyone so well. Your blog posts and your feedback through RT, are providing needed exposure for the ultra community.

Unknown said...

One for the Ages! How can you or Geoff top this one. Next year(?) Good luck at PPM or Leadville, whichever race you decide to tackle. No doubt you will give it everything you've got. Redemption at Leadville perhaps.

Anonymous said...

Such an amazing race! I am so happy to see that instead of a race where the winner beats the otehr competition by an hour, there was some true racing here. I hope ultra running continues to become even more competitive and you have really helped set the bar!

Eric said...

Not to take away from the discussion of an amazing race, but that first photo is absolutely stunning. If that was taken in natural light, I'm throwing my camera in the garbage! It looks like a Greenberg photo, but I doubt there were 30 hotlights set up out on the trail. Amazing! An epic race deserves epic documentation. Bravo to both.

George Volpão said...

great, great, great job Anton! My best wishes from Brazil!

Frank Bott said...

Epic. The first ultra race.. that i found myself glued to a computer screen for hours!!.. amazing race.

Great job..

Anton said...

Thanks all for the many kind and thoughtful comments.

The NB shorts I was wearing are the "team" shorts--modified slightly by Jenny to shorten the rise a bit and add gel pockets on the hips (similar to the Sporthill Packrats).

On my feet I was wearing an advance version of the forthcoming New Balance MT101...but with the women's pink and black colorway, because they're hot. While I had some issues with the 100s, the 101 is probably the best trail shoe I've ever worn. Subtle but very important and noticeable improvements were made to the upper.

Thanks again!


JenRunner said...

Amazing, amazing photos! Along with your comments, these really show and tell the story. Glad to see you enjoying a brew afterwards:-)

Unknown said...

what an amazing day. What a great race and great competition. This was my first 100 miler and first Western States and I am grateful to experience such a great event. You guys rock

Sarah said...

I notice that on your shorts you have external pockets for all your gear. Is this a mod you did yourself or are NB coming out with a pair of shorts like yours? I have a running skirt with pockets like that and I love them for long runs because I can stuff tons of things in them. I want to mod my boyfriend's shorts so he can carry more stuff too. Can you give a tutorial or anything?

I love the pictures as always. Luis Escobar takes fantastic pictures. Congrats on the awesome race. Can't wait to see what happens at Leadville with double the amount of runners this year, yikes!


Wow awesome...I wish I could have this kind of experience one day..

Congratulations Anton and all the runners...

Great visual exploration...Luis Escobar.

Joel said...

Thanks for the follow up on the shorts, Anton! I just sent an e-mail to New Balance, telling them to either start making that short again, or fill the giant gaping holes in their running apparel lineup :)

I'm looking forward to getting my hands on the MT 101s this fall, and do dearly love my MT100s - mildly flawed though they are.

@ Sarah - just to save him some comment time, one of his crew did indeed mod the shorts to add the extra pockets. There's even a shot of it in the post previous to this.

Shelby said...

Thanks for the comments with the pictures! I had already seen some of the pictures, such a treat to hear your thoughts along with them, great job! :)

Clynton Taylor said...

Terrific job, man! You all rocked it very hard. Big congrats to all who finished! Terrific photos, too.

Ultratrailchick said...

Ah! I saw a preview pair of womens 101s - thought that was them....rockin the pink...nice!

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wowwowgold said...

Watching the webcast and seeing the live finishes was exciting. Congratulations on your finish and thank you for bringing the sport to a new level!

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